Starting at Cley Coastguards sea watching for over 3 hours from about 7 am produced Great Skua, Common Tern, Black Tern, Sandwich Tern, Guillemot, Razorbill and a single Manx Shearwater (way out).
From there we moved to Kelling water meadow and on the pool there found Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and a Whitethroat lurking in the shrubs with plenty of Swallows over.
The final call was Hickling Broad where we add the haziest of views of a Marsh Sandpiper, numerous Ruff, Little Gull, Dunlin and Curlew Sandpiper. Then the added bonus of Marsh Tit and Meadow Pipit around the nearby wooded area.
Life bird count: 372 Year bird count: 233 Month bird count: 100