Wednesday 13 January 2010

Suffolk – Combs Wood – 9th January 2010

There was too much snow for the car today. So we took a two mile round trip walk to our local wood. First point of note was the large influx of Redwings and Fieldfares this winter, many easily seen in the garden on small housing estates. As we rose out of the urban area in the hedge rows we saw Bullfinch, House Sparrow and Chaffinch all trying to get anything going to feed off in the greenery that had not succumbed to the snow coverage. Within the wood itself Tits were quite abundant and the Crows still took there position on top on the tallest trees but otherwise everything was very quiet. I guess the lack of easy food had driven most birds out in people's gardens.
Life bird count: 389 Year bird count: 94 Month bird count: 94
Photo: Fieldfare (turdus pilaris)

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