Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Norfolk – Snettisham, Holme & Titchwell – 2nd May 2009

This west end of the north Norfolk coast is always worth a visit once the migrants start arriving, especially the heath and small marshes along the Norfolk Coastal path from Snettisham. Numerous Willow Warblers & Sedge Warblers singing from the low lying wild apple trees, far more than previous years. Plenty of Whitethroat & Linnets, both species nest building. Plus! and one of the prime reasons for visiting this area, a population of singing Grasshopper Warblers. Out on the beach, there were summer plumage Grey Plover & Golden Plover. Next, we stopped at Holme and driving through to the visitor’s centre caught sight of a Whimbrel feeding on the grassland. Finally after a drive around the Chosley Barns area and taking time to view a hunting Marsh Harrier we ended up at Titchwell, packed as it was with weekend visitors, there was plenty to see. Highlights were; three species of Tern, Common, Little & Sandwich, a drake Garganey, summer plumage Sanderling, Spotted Redshank, Bearded Tit and none breading Eider just off the coast. Life bird count: 387 Year bird count: 200 Month bird count: 90

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