Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Suffolk – Lakenheath Fen – 30th May 2009

Another early start in order that the day be as productive as possible and a drive out to the RSPB site at Lakenheath Fen which as undergone great change over the last couple of years. Known primarily for its breeding population of Golden Oriole (a species that eluded us to day), it does have a great deal more to offer. On the water margin Reed Warblers are very active and with them come the threat of infiltration by the parasitic Cuckoo. Two birds give us great views as they fly across the reed bed looking for suitable nests. Further along the path, the population changes from Reed to Sedge Warbler interspersed with Reed Buntings and on the water there are two very elusive Garganey, Great-crested Grebe, Coot, Moorhen & Shoveller.
Finally overhead in the gap between the two placations a pair of Marsh Harriers hunt and to the north of that over the water way several Common Terns fish.
Life bird count: 387 Year bird count: 201 Month bird count: 93

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